mission: 任务: ensure a permanent operational control of industrial risks in company, counsel hr responsible and quality manager on ehs issues. maintain ehs operation control (environmental protection, health, safety, fire prevention). follow up and control corrective and improvement actions to meet its ehs and 5s objectives of company. 确保对公司工业ehs风险的持续控制。就ehs事宜向hr responsable 和质量经理提出建议。保持制造部内ehs运行控制(环保、职业健康、安全、防火)。 在制造部跟踪并控制纠正和改进措施的实施工作,以支持完成公司的ehs和5s目标。 main function: 主要功能: 1. to lead to establish & maintain ehs and 5s management system (organization & procedure) 主导制定及维护ehs的管理体系,包括组织及流程。 2. to lead to implement ehs and 5s management in both factory and office area 主导在工厂和办公室内推行ehs管理。 3. to report for ehs and 5s performance of the company负责向公司汇报ehs的执行状况。 4. to conduct ehs inspection/audit执行ehs的检查及审查 5. to provide ehs and 5s professional training for key person 负责为关键人员提供ehs专业培训 6. manage staff to work as per operation specification ppe provision and other safety management, to ensure safety production. 按照劳保用品的条款进行安全管理,确保生产安全。 7. responsible for workers workshop education & safety trainings. 负责员工的车间安全教育。 8. preparing external ehs/iso 14001 audit, ensure activities happened comply with policy & procedures. 准备外部ehs/iso14001审核,确保该审核与相关政策相一致。 9. take major responsibility at ert (emergency response team) 在紧急响应团队中负主要责任。 10. ensure that all residues are handled correctly and are kept the records. 确保所有的废物被正确处理,并做好相关的记录保存。 11. be the contact with government safety management bureau and enviroment protection bureau among others., 与安全局和环保局联系。 12. incident investigation and report:collect and analyze all abnormal events in md (near misses, incidents, accidents, and draw lessons out of experiences for improvement action). 收集和分析不正常事件向质量经理进行报告(几乎发生的事故、事件、事故,并从改进措施的实施过程中吸取教训。 13. environment management (monitoring of solid, liquid and gas wastes and their compliance with laws and regulations); 负责环保管理(对制造部的固体、液体以及气体废物监控,符合法律法规要求和公司管理程序); 14. to assist hr responsible and quality manager to develop the risk analysis for each working position, immediate safety improvement, develop and supervise safety procedure for each working position, supervise operation of operator meet the info-board summary at each working position; 协助 hr responsible 和质量经理完善每一个工作岗位的ehs风险分析,直接的ehs改进 ehs培训 15. responsible of the ehs and 5s management review, participate in planned inspections, internal or external audits, supervise corrective actions. 参与ehs管理评审,计划的各类检查,内外部审计并监督纠正措施的执行。 requirements for this possition: 本岗位要求: bachelor degree in safety or engineg degree. 3 years minimum experiences in ehs management in industrial companies. english/chinese. 安全或环境工程专业本科学历。至3年以上工业企业ehs管理经验。中英文交流。 knowledge of chinese laws and regulations related to environment, health and safety. 了解 中国有关环保、职业健康及安全的法律法规, 尤其是嘉兴的环保政策,熟悉嘉兴环保局,安全局等相关政府机构更佳。 knowledge on ehs systems and legal requirements, familiar with risk and control an mechanism industry checking and implementing corrective actions. 了解ehs体系和相关法律规定,熟悉机械行业的风险和控制,以及实施检查和纠正措施 at least 3 years of ehs related work experience in multinational corporation on environmental protection, occupation healthy & industrial safety management. experience on iso14001/ohsas18001 system will be preferred 3年以上跨国公司环境保护、职业健康及工业安全工作经验,有iso14001/ohsas18001体系经验者优先考虑 be conscientious & proactive advanced communication & coordination skills 沟通及协调能力强 5s and lean manufacturing knowledge 掌握5s和精益生产理念 team working 具有团队合作精神。 to be able to work on flexible schedule。可适应灵活的工作时间。 knowledge of six sigma, iso9001 and ohsas18000 would be advantageous 了解西格玛,iso9001和ohsas18000更佳。
ag凯发官网的介绍 company introduction 福赛是一家来自欧洲的全球化轴承生产企业, 总部位于西班牙萨拉戈萨, 今天的福赛出口总额已达95%, 足迹遍布60多个国家和地区。 fersa bearings is an international european manufacturer of bearings , located in zaragoza, spain,fersa today has exported over 95% of its turnover to more than 60 countries.
作为全球轴承制造业中最值得信任的品牌之一, 福赛有着40多年的欧洲轴承设计和制造经验, 能够满足客户最严格的要求。 福赛轴承已经被全球60多个国家众多的主机厂, 整车厂和售后市场客户认可为一个值得信赖的品牌。 fersa is one of the most trusted brands in the global bearing indursry,.we have over 40years of european experience in designing and manufacturing bearings for the most demanding customers, and since more than 15years ago, fersa bearings has been a certified supplier to global tier 1/oem customer as well as a trusted brand to aftermarket customers in over 60 countries.
福赛最新的工厂位于中国嘉兴市, 于2011年4月开始投产,工厂最初的设计理念是基于下面几项核心的福赛原则生产出高质量高性能的轴承: 1.采用行业内最新的生产工艺。 2.整合福赛40多年欧洲制造方面的经验。 3.福赛强大的ag凯发官网的文化-持续创新同时极力提高产品质量的热情。 our newest facility, located in jiaxing china, began production in april of 2011.the plant was conceived to manufacture the highest quality performance bearings based on our core fersa principles: 1.use of the latest technological production processes in our industry. 2.incorporating over 40years fersa european manufacturing experience. 3. fersas strong corporate culture, which is synonymous with coninuous innovation and passion for quality.
产品product 嘉兴福赛的轴承产品是按照最高工作标准和国际级主机和前市场最严苛的要求进行设计和加工的。 jiaxing fersa products are designed and manufactured to comply with the highest working standards and the stricted demands of our t1/oem clientsat an international level.
荣誉acknowledgments 为了实现最高质量的目标, 嘉兴福赛开发和实施了健全的过程管理程序, 使用最先进的质量工具和持续的员工培训理念,并且始终执行。 在短短两年的时间里, 通过福赛员工的共同努力, 我们已经获得了iso/ts16949,iso9001, iso14001和ohsas18001等证书, 并以高分 通过了全球客户的审核。 to achievethe highest quality possible, jiaxing fersa has developed and implemented the most progressive management procedures, the most technologically advanced quality tools, as well as a continuous training work force philosophy. through the joint efforts of fersa team, we have achieved isots16949, iso9001, iso 14001, and ohsas 18001,have been certified and approved by the major global automotive customer within the shortest 2 years.
福赛一直以能够满足全球最严苛客户的要求为骄傲。 在我们福赛嘉兴福赛团队心中,质量是福赛的生命,我们的质量部现拥有全球最知名的轴承质量检测仪器, 我们的生产部也采用了世界最先进的生产系统,并始终贯彻5s理念。 福赛始终关注职业健康, 环境, 安全,并对环境的可持续发展作出承诺。 fersa is proud to offer bearings that satisfy the worlds most challenging customers. superiority in quality of our branded bearings and our advanced production system is the leading priority for everyone from the jiaxing fersa team. we strictly follow the 5s philosophy and are committed to the protection of the occupational health, enviroment and safety.
2014年4月福赛在中国创建了新的分公司-福赛汽车零配件(嘉兴)有限公司, 并预计在中国开拓第三条生产线,福赛轴承研发中心和热处理项目以及多个子公司。 我们期待优秀的,有潜能的人才加入ag凯发官网, 来支持福赛在中国这项全新的事业, 我们的优 势在于: 1.全面完善的培训机会 2.个人潜能的不断开拓 3.巨大的职业晋升空间 4.年轻,和谐, 凝聚的团队氛围 5.福赛公司的高速发展 6.良好的工作环境和福利待遇 since april 2014, fersa establish the new jlc center in jiaxing,and we expect to launch the 3rd production line, the r&d center, as well as the heat treatment process, , and other subsidiaries in chinawe hope more excellent and high potential talent to join us and support us in this newest grand project, our strengths as follows: 1.well-round training opportunities 2. personal talent development 3. huge promotion space 4.young ,harmonious team 5.company high speed development 6.health working enviroment and well welfare
相信加入福赛是您职业生涯中最明智的选择。 我们会努力地促使您能在这里得到个人的成长和职业的发展,希望您能享受与我们在一起的美好时光。 we do firmly believe that you will find fersa a smart choice in your career path. we will do our best to make you stay with us a period of personal and professional growth. hope you will enjoy your time with us.
"人才是福赛的关键因素, 人才的吸纳,培养与发展,决定我们如何执行这项远大的项目并且决定了福赛公司未来的发展前景。" 福赛首席执行官 卡洛斯.欧林 "people are key to fersa bearings. incorporation, maintaining and developing talent is how we can undertake the most amibitous projects and carry out the companys growth strategy." carlos oehling, ceo